Have you ever wondered “How come my posts on Facebook are not being seen?” It’s ok, at some period, we have all felt that. One moment, your posts, videos and images are being seen and commented upon by everyone and then next day, no one sees anything and there doesn’t seem to be any reason.

Next you start doubting you as an individual and your relationships with people. It’s hard not to get a major complex at this moment and wonder if you have done something that has alienated you from everyone you know and all of those that would normally put one of those beautiful emoticons on your post, especially the love heart (now as I say that, I would LOVE a love heart haha, so go ahead and do one  😉 ) .

So asking the question “How come my posts on Facebook are not being seen” is an important one and one that will actually require a little of soul searching on your own behalf. Because if they were being seen and aren’t being seen now, then Facebook has decided that the kinds of posts you normally share are actually not wanted to be seen by your followers. Weird right, I know. The problem is, this is worked out on algorithms and if the ratios of people liking and commenting on your stuff is low as a ratio, it generally means it’s because people actually don’t like your stuff.

You see Facebook is HUGE and they are studying you and your interactions every single day and moment of the day. They probably know you better than anyone else in your life. Have you noticed that sometimes the very things you are wanting appear in an ad? It’s like they are reading your mind. Well they are also reading the minds of your followers. They want to make sure your followers are getting a wonderful experience.

So your Facebook posts generally are not being seen because your followers actually don’t want to see them.

What do you do to get your facebook posts seen by more people?


Well this is another question, there a couple of things, if you are on a Facebook Business Page, you can obviously pay for ads, which is kind of difficult and you will want to get some professional training on how to do it.

The other way is to change the kind of content you are putting up. Make it more value based. I talk more about this in my book “Facebook Profile Mastery”  and for $10, it’s a steal. Grab your copy now if you don’t have it already.

One of the things we get our team to focus on the most is making sure they bring incredible value to their followers. Now ask yourself, what you post on Facebook, is it more for you or is it for the people following you? If it is for you, then you will be seen as selfish and no one is interested really, however if you change the way you look at things and start posting for other people, you will find you will receive more likes, shares and comments than every before.

Make sure you watch today’s video and if you haven’t been added to our exclusive group on Facebook yet, make sure you go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/NetworkMarketingTrainingToday/ and join now.


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Network Marketing Training by James Hannan

James Hannan Network Marketing Trainer

Skype: hitmanhannan

Email: [email protected]

“I Teach You How To Develop Leaders In The Market Place So No One Is Left Behind Through Building Your Mind Body and Spirit!”

PS: Get My Easy To Use, Appointment Setting, Cash Generating Text Messaging Strategy – Click Here

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