Let Me Show You 7 Steps To Earning A 6 Figure Income…

Do you dream of the day when you will look at your cheque from your network marketing company and it is good solid 5 figures in one month, and then the next month it is the same and so on and on and on and on it goes?

When we finally hit that magically number ourselves, it was like God Himself had come down and handed us the greatest gift. We were so amazed to see that this business actually worked.

It was a dream come true. I was still working my job at the time and my wife was wise enough to be putting all of our income from our business away into our bank account so we could build our first dream home.

It was an amazing experience.

But one month after moving into the six figure income bracket something happened…

I got a call from the office of the company I was working for (not my business) and they said I needed to come in for an important meeting.

The board was in the office (it was a public company) and they had this look on their face that said… “we are about to give you some news, we know you wont like it and we don’t care.”

They had made a decision that they were going to close the company down, I called my wife after the meeting and told her what had just happened.

Do you know what her response was…It still shocks me to this day… “That is ok, just go home and relax.” She was in Perth and I had just lost my job. What were we going to do….

Funny thing was, I was so used to having a job, I didn’t realise what it meant to have a business that was giving us almost double what my income from my job was…

What would it be like tomorrow, if you walked into work and the boss said…”Sorry we are closing down the company and you no longer have a job”?

Well I hope you never have to go through that and today I am going to give you some steps to follow to help you work towards generating your six figure income and giving you, your family and your future some security, because there is no security in having job…

Follow these steps.

  1. Make a decision that you what change in your finances and your lifestyle.
  2. Find a income producing vehicle (business) that can give you the way to produce that six figure income.
  3. Join a team of people who are prepared to give you the training and support to help you succeed.
  4. Expect road blocks along the way. Earning a six figure income requires skills that need to be developed over time it also requires you to develop mental and emotional toughness. This is more important than you know at the moment.
  5. When the road blocks come, look for a way to move through, around, over or under them…Don’t allow them to stop you.
  6. Get your partner/spouse to support you. If you can get them involved even better, allow them to use their strengths and enjoy the joinery…talk about everything.
  7. Pray and believe that your results will come. Have people that are believing with you. (this is called a master mind or if you are a christian it is also a prayer group)

I can show you how to earn a six figure income because we have surpassed that ourselves and helped people around the world to do that same.












[email protected]

James Hannan

Follow me on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jameshannan

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Would you like to work with me: Work with James Hannan


Image: Master isolated images / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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    2 replies to "7 Steps To Your First Six Figure Income"

    • Clint Schubert

      Hey James,

      Clint Schubert here from Houston, Texas! I really enjoyed this blog article. I could possibly be facing something similar to what you talked about with your job. I’m on a mission to build up my income with my business to at least match my job and then go from there.

      Thanks for sharing this story and info.

      Where can I find more information about the Master Mind group you mentioned?

      In Christ,
      Clint Schubert

    • James

      HI Clint
      I went to a program called “Sam Camp” with a company called Klemmer and Assoc. Very powerful program.
      But they are not the only people running masterminds programs.
      If you gave them a call, I am sure they could help you though 🙂

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