What Does Sharing The Good News Have To Do With Your Network Marketing Business?

Do you know you are in something good, Something that will benefit others and bring life to them? When I say life, I am not meaning that you have a product that will save their life (although some people reading this article will have products that dramatically improve and enhance lives), I am talking that your product or service and of course your business could bring them hope, could answer a question and give them direction. It could help them make money to get rid of the crushing burden of debt or bring a community for them to belong to so that the debilitating sense of loneliness is removed.

Can you see how that is a good thing?

As we look at the way Jesus spread the message of salvation and we correlate it to building a network marketing business, the one powerful thing that stands out to me is the way He always brought life. He spoke life into people’s hearts and people’s situations. He was the “Life Giver” and if He is our example, which we know He is, doesn’t this give us a wonderful insight into how we should be and how we should build?

Many people fall into the trap of feeling like they need to almost deceive the people around them to be part of what they do, if this is you, let me encourage you that you don’t need to do that. People want the real you, they want someone to speak life and hope to them and show them that there is a better way. Your Network Marketing Business is a better way. We just need to become good as sharing the message.

If you have a product/service that you need to lie about, maybe you need to ask yourself a question; is that the product/service you should be promoting.

When I first started in my network marketing career, I would become concerned about sharing the love I have for God and the love He has for me and others. I would wonder if it was “OK” for me to tell others that He has a wonderful plan for them. I didn’t want to put people off and make them feel uncomfortable so I prayed and what I found is that the bigger my business became, the more open people were to talking to me about my product and business. They started to see something different in my life which opened the door into theirs and I didn’t need to hit them over the head with the bible, I just needed to allow God to speak through me and the results He was giving me.

I realized then that I needed to work hard at making sure I was getting results. 

I found that my first thought was to like the people I was talking to, I wanted to be a blessing, I wanted them to feel better for meeting me because I have always known that people will forget nearly everything I say, however they will remember how I made them feel. So speaking life and speaking vision to people left them with feeling a sense that what I was doing was definitely something they needed to be part of.

Let’s look at Jesus’s example for your Network Marketing Business;

We know He had a plan and it was well thought out (Although I am not sure that the normal person would think that a plan where you get crucified on a cross would be well thought out, but there was no other way.) On His journey, He knew He had something that the people were screaming out for…Hope! They had been waiting for the Messiah although they thought He would look and act very differently to what He did.

The amazing thing about what Jesus did was that He continued to share the good news of His message no matter the opposition. He didn’t stop because He knew the reward for others was too great and they needed to hear what He had for them. Isn’t this the same for you and your business/product.

If it’s not, then do you need to do a little more research around what you do and why you do it so that you can find a way for you to become a believer in what you do?

Jesus was committed to sharing the news of what He was bringing. He wanted people to see that Heaven was a good place and that His Father is good “No one is good except the Father”. He knew that if He didn’t share His message then the world would die and He knew that He couldn’t allow that to happen.

What about you and what you have to share? Now the world may not perish because you don’t share your product/service however what about “your” world?

You got started for a reason, was it to get out of debt, go on a holiday, stop having to say no to buying things…what was it. Well if you stop sharing the good news of what you have, can you see that your world stops in a way? Now let’s go to the next person, if your product/service/business could give them hope, breakthrough or a result they need, isn’t it worth sharing, isn’t it our responsibility to continue to share and share in a way that doesn’t allow us to stop? I believe it is. People are looking for Hope, they are looking for a way out of their current situation and we get to bring that Hope and as the relationship and trust is built, the door will open for us to talk to them about Christ. But it doesn’t start with talking with them about Him, it starts with loving them enough that we are prepared to find a way to help them meet their need.

When you meet their need first, it’s amazing what happens.

Don’t stop sharing the good news in what you have to offer. Be dedicated to learning how to share it in a way people will easily receive. If you are finding people are not receiving the message from you, the good news is, it’s just a skill based issue and the great thing about skills is that you can develop them. You just need to put time aside to become better.

Take some time today to put a plan together on how you will become the person that speaks life, the person that doesn’t hold back and knows that what they are doing and what they have to share is something that will dramatically change the person’s life you are speaking to.

The 4 keys Jesus did to get done what He needed to do. You can use them for your Network Marketing Business:

  1. He had a plan: What is your plan. Have you sat down and planned out what you are going to do? Do that now if you haven’t.
  2. He continued: Even under great persecution, He kept going, He didn’t stop. He was resolute in what He needed to get done, now do the same.
  3. He was committed fully, even to the end: He knew what the end of His time on earth would mean, for you and I, our end in this business is achieving our dreams. He was committed to the pain, we get to be committed to the joy.
  4. He knew the consequences if He didn’t do what He needed to do: What are the consequences of you quitting and giving up, what will you lose? It’s always more than you realize and know. Make that list and then make a list of what you get by winning in your network marketing business.

You will enjoy this video where I explain more.

Jesus is the most amazing example for all areas of our life especially your network marketing business. Always remember that business is just business, no matter which business you are involved in. It’s going to require work, so let’s get to work and get it done.

Grab my Christian eCourse on Home Business. I know you will love it. Just click this link. Christian Home Business eCourse

Leave a comment before you go.

God bless you


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James Hannan Network Marketing Trainer






Network Marketing Training by James Hannan

Skype: hitmanhannan

Email: [email protected]

“I Teach You How To Develop Leaders In The Market Place So No One Is Left Behind Through Building Your Mind Body and Spirit!”

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